Looking back, it is worth noting that we hadn’t met before and yet we decided to embark on this complex, multi-piece journey already back in 2014!

testing local ales post colloquium

Katie met Distractfold in March 2015 in London to develop new materials for ‘bow breath crow’, what is now an offshoot of boundarymind.

We made a few holes in the floor of one of the Northwestern University’s classrooms.

testing how sugar crunches under an amplified heel, Chicago May 2015

Linda’s Dad used to bring her sugar packets from his work trips all throughout her childhood. By the time she left home she had a drawer full of them. Eventually she took all the brown sugar ones with her back to the UK because she was low on funds.

Talking early childhood sonic landscapes and how a child’s perspective could influence the compositional decisions we would make.

Df string trio testing Alex Inglizian’s Max patch

what Molly received from Linda’s gathered donations on her end of the Atlantic.

can we transcribe to sound like our objects?!

working on a Covid-19 version of boundarymind 2020 while the show had to be postponed to 2021 - a 6018N window showcase for a single spectator of movement 3 (audio, video, sculpture combined)

woven using pine straw, bow hair, and objects from boundarymind’s contributors

Looking back, it is worth noting that we hadn’t met before and yet we decided to embark on this complex, multi-piece journey already back in 2014!
testing local ales post colloquium
Katie met Distractfold in March 2015 in London to develop new materials for ‘bow breath crow’, what is now an offshoot of boundarymind.
We made a few holes in the floor of one of the Northwestern University’s classrooms.
testing how sugar crunches under an amplified heel, Chicago May 2015
Linda’s Dad used to bring her sugar packets from his work trips all throughout her childhood. By the time she left home she had a drawer full of them. Eventually she took all the brown sugar ones with her back to the UK because she was low on funds.
Talking early childhood sonic landscapes and how a child’s perspective could influence the compositional decisions we would make.
Df string trio testing Alex Inglizian’s Max patch
what Molly received from Linda’s gathered donations on her end of the Atlantic.
can we transcribe to sound like our objects?!
working on a Covid-19 version of boundarymind 2020 while the show had to be postponed to 2021 - a 6018N window showcase for a single spectator of movement 3 (audio, video, sculpture combined)
woven using pine straw, bow hair, and objects from boundarymind’s contributors